Our Services
Site Identification, assessment and review
We are able to assist landowners and developers with identifying, assessing and reviewing the development potential of opportunities.
Our identification, assessment and review abilities include undertaking technical due diligence and risk assessments, advising on development potential and options together with identifying planning, commercial and suitable design parameters
Advising on Land acquisition and New Business opportunities including deal structuring
We have experience in the structuring of appropriate commercial arrangements for development sites including Freehold Sales, Leaseholds, Licences and option/promotion agreements. Through our knowledge we can provide guidance on development specific risks and issues that are specifically tailored to the type of site involved. We have experience of structuring commercial arrangements with third parties such as Housing Associations, Private Rental Providers and land disposals for other related residential uses.
Bid Preparation and Management
HLME can help prepare and manage bids for development opportunities. We have experience in writing bid submissions and in working with multi disciplinary bid teams to showcase a developers track record and experiences. We also have the ability to create short bid documents which can help communicate to landowners and development promoters.
Strategic research
Behind any scheme there is a need to undertake strategic research, this may relate to the technical constraints of a development site, applicable planning policy, highways policies, housing needs assessments and technical approvals through to identifying and leading discussions with key stakeholders.
With our experience we can also undertake specific targeted research into subjects such as Modern Methods of Construction, site specific issues and local market demand.
Design briefing and Coding
We have experience in both preparing and working with project specific design briefs and Design Codes. Our briefs and Codes would take account of Client objectives, relevant policies and guidance together with site constraints, options and opportunities.
Design Codes would further involve locational research to identify how a distinctive character can be created, from materials, colour palettes and landscaping through to how key relationships are to be formed between different elements in order to deliver a high quality development solution that relates to the local vernacular.
Development Strategy including delivery strategies and Project Execution Planning
Through our extensive experience we are able to create development strategies covering how a project is to be executed including required planning and regulatory requirements, the delivery of infrastructure, procurement, customer experience and development exit strategies. We can work with clients and stakeholders to understand their needs to achieve optimum solutions.
Creation of the Development vision
HLME has extensive experience of creating and shaping the vision for developments having led the creation of the vision for a number of award winning developments. We do this by understanding relevant local objectives, requirements and working to understand budgetary constraints and challenges that exist.
The development vision could be as simple as a few words or a range illustrations of the type of character that is envisaged. This can then be used for discussion and agreement with development stakeholders and can act as a definitive reference point for a project.
Option reviews and assessments
Through our comprehensive understanding of residential development, associated delivery strategies and our broad range of skills we can undertake headline and detailed development appraisals to assess the viability of proposals and to allow optimum solutions to be identified.
Design and Planning Application Management
Using a range of different tools including design programmes, regular team workshops and meetings and facilitating coordination across the design team We can work on behalf of clients to lead and undertake the management of multi disciplinary design teams including the identification and resolution of specific issues and risks and the timely output of deliverables
Unit Typology review and option assessment
Through our focus on residential developments we can undertake reviews and assessments of specific unit typologies to highlight opportunities, omissions and potential. This includes making recommendations on how designs can be optimised to be more functional and enjoyable for the occupier.
Design review and evaluation
HLME can review and evaluate development proposals including providing advice on the potential use of Modern methods of Construction and compliance with initiatives such as Building for a Healthy Life and scheme design codes. A design review may take the form of marked up drawings, reports and sketches and can cover either concept and production drawings.
Urban Design/Masterplanning
HLME has lead the design of a number of award winning projects over the years. We understand how high quality, legible places are created and can work to understand how the opportunities and constraints of a specific site can be managed to create a high quality place through the integration of local context, infrastructure, landscape and buildings.
Consultant procurement, evaluation and selection advice
HLME is able to identify, evaluate and work with clients to procure a wide range of different professional advisors to assist with the development of a project. We have experience in preparing suitable scopes of work, identifying relevant project deliverables, understanding core required competencies and working with legal advisors to finalise formal appointment documents including warranties, deeds of novation and letters of reliance which may be necessary.
Fit out specification
For all developments there is a need to understand the final look, feel and touch for a development. We can help by creating appropriate development fit out specifications covering aspects such as Kitchens, Bathrooms and internal finishes.
Development Management
We have extensive experience of undertaking Development Management and our services can encompass a range of different disciplines including acting as client lead, managing third party contractural relationships, internal reporting including the preparation of internal financial reports and the production of risk management registers.
Preconstruction advice
HLME is able to provide high level preconstruction and programme advice including the practicalities of building out a development site including understanding the site and access constraints and how these may fit with associated sales, occupations and access strategies.
As part of this process we are able to identify where additional enabling approvals may be required such as oversailing licences, access agreements, temporary licences and other such approvals may be required.
Project review and evaluation
HLME is able to undertake project peer reviews of developments regardless of the stage that they are at. We have the skills to review and analyse available information to understand a development scheme and are able to provide suggestions for resolving issues identified.
Management and Stewardship
We have experience of procuring and the setting up of appropriate development management arrangements, understanding their implications on conveyancing and for other stakeholders. HLME also understands the adoption process for roads and drainage and can work with stakeholders to facilitate successful the successful completion of these elements.