
Perth Hills,

Western Australia

Year: 2023

Following a visit to Western Australia’s Perth Hills during late 2022 we provided support to friends who wanted to opposing a local structure plan amendment seeking to subdivide a number of adjoining plots.

The plans proposed to subdivide 8 existing heavily vegetated rural lots and to create a new suburban cluster of 51 properties in an unsustainable location which has a significant bushfire risk, is not readily served by mains utilities and which would have resulted in the destruction of a significant area of existing Black Cockatoo habitat. The development would also have been significantly out of keeping with the surrounding context rural context of the local area and could have led to the inappropriate densification of other surrounding properties.

Our work involved reviewing the submitted proposal which comprised a series of reports including technical assessments, Bushfire assessments and drawings along with the associated Shire zoning, Shire policy and identifying inconstancies and key issues which could be used to form effective opposition to the proposed plan by the local community.

As a result of our work a significant number of the local community were able to successfully oppose the plans and the local Shire committee voted to not support the proposed structure plan modification if it should proceed to the Western Australia Planning Commission.